Thursday, August 7, 2014

Random Thought-Just Let 'em Live

Sometimes we want to help the ones we love overcome their situational obstacles so badly we hastily jump to the rescue without invitation to do so. We do what we feel must be done for the individual not realizing that what you think is best may not be in their best interest. In fact, your interference may end up doing more harm than good. There is a certain point where you must simply let people live. There is a point where you must realize that your guidance is no longer necessary. Realize that sometimes the only way OUT of a terrible situation is actually going all the way THROUGH it. People need to be allowed to make their own mistakes. Learning from our own mistakes is the only way we can truly grow. Its the only way we will learn our strengths and weaknesses. Going through situation is the only way you can become yourself in your truest form. This can be a harsh process to watch... but if you love them, you will be there for them at a distance until they come to you for help or advice.

This is only my opinion from my own experiences. Thank you for taking the time to read.

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