Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My thoughts on... Dealing With Broken Hearts

Okay people! Time to get over yourselves! ...After you've suffered one horrid break up after another you have dramatically decided to call it quits and give up on love *inserts dramatic pause* forever. Now you're listening to Kanye West's 808's and Heartbreaks and the acoustic version of Evanescence My Imortal on repeat every morning before you head to work, angry ass Eminem rappin to you before bed and queen of hurt Mary J. Blige every time in between. Now you're bitter and shouting "Eff Love!" from the mountain tops like Rihanna did back when Chris Brown slapped her daylights. Unfortunately it is so easy for some people to fall into that trap.
After having your heart broken, you can become so bent on that person you loved and how hurt you felt that you get stuck and forget to move on AND on top of that now that you have decided that you will no longer be giving anyone else a chance to make you happy, that next person that you shut out may very well be the person God has waiting for you but YOU just missed them! You repeat over and over again how much it hurt you to have your heart broken and you vow to never open your heart to another person again. But when you shut your heart off to people those wounds do not heal. You actually get accustomed to carrying that hurt and you become numb to the pain. The wounds will remain and you won't even realize how terrible and bitter you really are until somebody asks you what your favorite song is and your reply is "Cleaning Out My Closet" (Eminem) O_o The next person will try to get close to you but you can't because you are carrying all that anger in your heart.
 Nothing can heal a broken heart but opening it up again for a chance to be loved. Besides being a heartless fool, there is really no way to prevent a heartbreak.  The only thing you can do is learn from your mistakes and try to do your part properly next time. Learning from your mistakes is a key part of life. That's how we grow and that's how we gain wisdom. It also makes for interesting stories to tell later.
Now... If you go from one relationship to another repeating the same things and allowing the same crap from different people, den das ya business. You may not be able to control the other person in the relationship but you can control what you will and will not allow. Learn to respect yourself and don't expect anything less than what you deserve. Never short change yourself or settle for bullshit and keep in mind that there are a lot of bullshitters in disguise out there but you can protect yourself by getting comfortable with just being you. Know your strengths and weaknesses. KNOW YOURSELF! Read a book. Get a new hairstyle. Listen to something else besides Mary J. and 808's. Do something! But do not rush into anything with anybody. Be friends first and put God first! Be sure. Take it slow. If they want you, they'll wait so you have nothing but time. Love is not something to be taken lightly but at the same time nobody should have to miss out on something that beautiful. Good Luck!

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