Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My truths on Love

LOVE (noun)
1. Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.
2. attraction based on sexual desire: affection and tenderness felt by lovers.
3. Affection based on admiration, benevolence or common interests.
4. Warm attachment, enthusiam, or devotion.
5. Unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another

LOVE (verb)
1. To hold dear.
2. To feel a lovers passion, devotion, or tenderness.
3. To like of desire actively; take pleasure in.
4. To thrive in.
5. To feel affection or experience desire

For some reason most of my friends and family think that I'm a rude, heartless, asshole, who does not believe in love. They have good reason to describe me as such. I have given them no reason to feel otherweise. All my life thus far I have made it clear that I do not want to find love or get married and that I just don't need a man, period. I feel like the time has come for me to set the record straight by stating how I really feel about Love. I DO NOT HATE LOVE. Love is wonderful and beautiful. As a matter of fact, the idea of love is enough to make me tear up so I'm positive once I find it I am liable to cry full out-snot and tears all over the place. So "why?" do you ask, do I insist on playing the "tough girl" routine? Well thats easy... I know myself! As hard as this is for me to admit, I love VERY hard. Maybe a little too hard. I also know most men my age are not looking for any type of relationship. Most just want to have sex with as many women as possible. I'm a smart girl. The calculation of those two facts just don't add up.I don't like to be played with at all. So instead, I use my sarcasm, rudeness, and hardness to guard myself from being hurt. I am famous for shutting men down from trying to get to know me. I refused to give them a chance to know me because for me getting hurt is not an option. Yes I may be an asshole but you will very rarely if ever see me cry because a man cheated or lied to me. I had enough of that and I'm only 24! This is how I protect my heart people! Get over it! ..But now that I think about it, I could have very well turned away some man that I could have shared something beautiful with.

 There are only a few men who have gotten past my barriers and were able to take a look into my soul and I'm sure they will tell you that I am not actually a heartless freak but my heart is warm and I do bleed just like any other woman. I am actually really very soft *shaking my head as I type*  I love writing poetry, most of which is written about love. I like R&B music. I love chocolate.  I actually really do like kissing and cuddling very much, and I'd rather have a mans arms wrapped around me at night. I hate sleeping alone. I also would rather burn some Yankee Candles and make love than workout my frustrations at the gym. For those of you who know me are probably reading this looking as if I've written it in some foreign language but this is the truth. I'm too old to keep pretending that Love is not one of the most beautiful things on this earth.

There you have it. I have removed my armor and opened up just a little about what I really think about this love thing. By the time I hit publish everything will be back to normal but at least you know the truth... that Ms. Tough-Guy is nothing but a fake. I apologize for any inconvienience.

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