Friday, September 28, 2012

So I've been talking to this man...

Okay people, I've been talking to this guy lately and I'm really feeling him. Now most girls would probably just say "OMG! I been talking to this guy and I like him a lot!!" and call it a day but my ass just had to write something terribly poem-ish smh. I am so hopeless *hangs head in shame* Anyway this is basically how the guy makes my feel ya'll
 Knock! Knock! Knock! Willingly I undo the deadbolt lock I've placed on the door of my heart. I step back and hold it open for him praying that he'll decide to stay. I try to maintain control of my thoughts but... my hands, my body, my mind, all scream his name. His presence had lingered in the back of my mind since the day I placed that first kiss on his forehead. No, I've never kissed his lips or caressed his smooth black skin but everyday he gives me the pleasure of peaking into his beautiful mind, graciously letting me learn him without the distraction of looking into his almond eyes. His words dance around in my thoughts. He has me wanting to serve my exquisite chocolate body to him in the most sensual ways. I fiend to touch him. My attraction to this man is driving me insane. I am tortured by constant thoughts of our bodies intertwined in passion and love. My heart races, my fingers tingle in anticipation. The sound of his voice gives me butterflies and fills my heart with an inner smile that shows up on my face without my permission. He makes me want to be better physically and mentally. He makes me feel beautiful. I can't wait for the next time I am in his presence. I will bathe in the sunlight of his smile and bask in the admiration of his gaze. So humbled that a woman such as myself caught his attention. I smile as my fingers trace the lines his words have begun to create on my heart.
Call me thirsty but hey what can I say lol.

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