Friday, September 28, 2012

So I've been talking to this man...

Okay people, I've been talking to this guy lately and I'm really feeling him. Now most girls would probably just say "OMG! I been talking to this guy and I like him a lot!!" and call it a day but my ass just had to write something terribly poem-ish smh. I am so hopeless *hangs head in shame* Anyway this is basically how the guy makes my feel ya'll
 Knock! Knock! Knock! Willingly I undo the deadbolt lock I've placed on the door of my heart. I step back and hold it open for him praying that he'll decide to stay. I try to maintain control of my thoughts but... my hands, my body, my mind, all scream his name. His presence had lingered in the back of my mind since the day I placed that first kiss on his forehead. No, I've never kissed his lips or caressed his smooth black skin but everyday he gives me the pleasure of peaking into his beautiful mind, graciously letting me learn him without the distraction of looking into his almond eyes. His words dance around in my thoughts. He has me wanting to serve my exquisite chocolate body to him in the most sensual ways. I fiend to touch him. My attraction to this man is driving me insane. I am tortured by constant thoughts of our bodies intertwined in passion and love. My heart races, my fingers tingle in anticipation. The sound of his voice gives me butterflies and fills my heart with an inner smile that shows up on my face without my permission. He makes me want to be better physically and mentally. He makes me feel beautiful. I can't wait for the next time I am in his presence. I will bathe in the sunlight of his smile and bask in the admiration of his gaze. So humbled that a woman such as myself caught his attention. I smile as my fingers trace the lines his words have begun to create on my heart.
Call me thirsty but hey what can I say lol.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

My truths on Love

LOVE (noun)
1. Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.
2. attraction based on sexual desire: affection and tenderness felt by lovers.
3. Affection based on admiration, benevolence or common interests.
4. Warm attachment, enthusiam, or devotion.
5. Unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another

LOVE (verb)
1. To hold dear.
2. To feel a lovers passion, devotion, or tenderness.
3. To like of desire actively; take pleasure in.
4. To thrive in.
5. To feel affection or experience desire

For some reason most of my friends and family think that I'm a rude, heartless, asshole, who does not believe in love. They have good reason to describe me as such. I have given them no reason to feel otherweise. All my life thus far I have made it clear that I do not want to find love or get married and that I just don't need a man, period. I feel like the time has come for me to set the record straight by stating how I really feel about Love. I DO NOT HATE LOVE. Love is wonderful and beautiful. As a matter of fact, the idea of love is enough to make me tear up so I'm positive once I find it I am liable to cry full out-snot and tears all over the place. So "why?" do you ask, do I insist on playing the "tough girl" routine? Well thats easy... I know myself! As hard as this is for me to admit, I love VERY hard. Maybe a little too hard. I also know most men my age are not looking for any type of relationship. Most just want to have sex with as many women as possible. I'm a smart girl. The calculation of those two facts just don't add up.I don't like to be played with at all. So instead, I use my sarcasm, rudeness, and hardness to guard myself from being hurt. I am famous for shutting men down from trying to get to know me. I refused to give them a chance to know me because for me getting hurt is not an option. Yes I may be an asshole but you will very rarely if ever see me cry because a man cheated or lied to me. I had enough of that and I'm only 24! This is how I protect my heart people! Get over it! ..But now that I think about it, I could have very well turned away some man that I could have shared something beautiful with.

 There are only a few men who have gotten past my barriers and were able to take a look into my soul and I'm sure they will tell you that I am not actually a heartless freak but my heart is warm and I do bleed just like any other woman. I am actually really very soft *shaking my head as I type*  I love writing poetry, most of which is written about love. I like R&B music. I love chocolate.  I actually really do like kissing and cuddling very much, and I'd rather have a mans arms wrapped around me at night. I hate sleeping alone. I also would rather burn some Yankee Candles and make love than workout my frustrations at the gym. For those of you who know me are probably reading this looking as if I've written it in some foreign language but this is the truth. I'm too old to keep pretending that Love is not one of the most beautiful things on this earth.

There you have it. I have removed my armor and opened up just a little about what I really think about this love thing. By the time I hit publish everything will be back to normal but at least you know the truth... that Ms. Tough-Guy is nothing but a fake. I apologize for any inconvienience.

Thoughts B4 Bed

Always make time to spend with the people who will make you laugh and smile. Always cherish friendships. Be quick to help and be slow to burn bridges. Remember sometimes its the little things in life that that have the biggest impact on someone...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mind Penetration

When you look up and meet me with your eyes I cannot begin to describe the heat that passed up the inside of my thigh.
 I can see God’s fingerprints where he took his precious time to sculpt everything perfectly. How it must feel to have your arms wrapped around me… but I resist the thoughts of what we could be intimately because I can’t help but wonder if you can hold me down Verbally.
 I want to fall in love with the Inflections of your Voice and the Allure of your Conversation before I experience sweet sensations caused by our love making.
 Can you reach out to me with your Sagacity and touch my most Sensitive Spots; my Heart, my Soul, and my Thoughts? I can only imagine how sweet your lips must taste but as if singing a sensual song use them to caress your words as they roll off your tongue.
 I want you to go deep. I want you to penetrate my Mind with long strokes of Ingenuity. Make my body shake at the intensity and passion you put behind the Words in which you Speak. Go deeper still, baby Please! Trust me I can take the pain, it ain’t nothin' but a thang.
 I can handle you Mentally don’t be afraid to challenge me. Make me express my pleasures aloud as you take me through multiple exquisite climaxes of Elaboration using Alliteration, Amplification, Connotation, Personification, and… flirtations.
 And when we have exhausted all possible positions of Wordplay, together our Thoughts will lay. I will take you to the crux of my deepest dreams. Your heart will be mine and our Minds will forever be entwined.

The Story Behind A Bitter Woman

Why claim to be real with her or pretend to be a friend to her? Deceiving her. Melting her like wax melts before a flame. Shaping her…raping her…. Taking her heart that only beat for you with love and crushing it in your fist leaving her broken and unfit to live. Stabbing her… killing her… How dare you repair the pieces of her shattered heart? Put it all together just to tear it apart. Why take her love unconditional so beautiful, and pure… manipulate it, corrupt, and transform it into something unrecognizable not unlike Hate which now seeps from her pores and open wounds. Hating her self for being so stupid. Hating him for not accepting her love and taking such delicate care only to trick her. Not taking into account that love is blind, still a gift nonetheless but after what she’s been through she ain’t tryina hear that mess. Her anger becomes sadness. She desperately needs somebody to hold her but she refuses to have any man caught up in her drama. She won’t let him help heal the cuts, tears, and punctures. Pains he did not create so she remains in pain and each day the hurt grows stronger.
She tries to heal herself but possesses of no love to clean her filthy wounds that were inflicted by you. Infection results and every part of her is saturated with unfathomable feelings of Worthlessness and Hopelessness regarding her own self in low esteem. The infection finally reaches what is left of her heart which barely beats... slowly pumping out the poison that will now sustain her. Instead of killing her it changed her. The very genetic makeup of who she was and who she was meant to be has been replaced. She is now what she believes to be a strong woman. Angry, bitter, and overly independent… Rage and resentment engulfs her... a storm that will forever remain brewing deep within her being. She has become an unnecessary soldier in an army that does not exist… fighting for a cause that is just a little more than insignificant. She is ready to start a war with anyone who will respectfully approach her. Suspicious of any man who would dare say he loves her. Now cloaked in ice, in a home built from darkness. Living among the shadows. Afraid of Loves light, she bathes in the blackness of the night.


The popping of this bloggers cherry...

My name is Latisha Erica Francis. *Cherry Popped*